Front of note Rear of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note
Front of note / Look / Print Quality Front of note / Look / Print Quality
Front of note / Look / Watermark Front of note / Look / Watermark
Front of note / Look / Security Thread Front of note / Look / Security Thread
Front of note / Look / See Through Front of note / Look / See Through
Front of note / Look / Microprint Front of note / Look / Microprint
Front of note / Look / Serial Numbers Front of note / Look / Serial Numbers
Front of note / Look / Denomination Numerals Front of note / Look / Denomination Numerals
Front of note / Feel / Paper Quality Front of note / Feel / Paper Quality
Front of note / Feel / Raised Print Front of note / Feel / Raised Print
Front of note / Tilt / Hologram Front of note / Tilt / Hologram
Front of note / Tilt / Lift Classic Front of note / Tilt / Lift Classic
Front of note / Check / UV Fluorescence Front of note / Check / UV Fluorescence
Front of note / Check / Compare Front of note / Check / Compare
Rear of note / Check / Compare Rear of note / Check / Compare
Rear of note / Look / Microprint Rear of note / Look / Microprint
Rear of note / Look / Print Quality Rear of note / Look / Print Quality
Rear of note / Look / Watermark Rear of note / Look / Watermark
Rear of note / Look / Denomination Numerals Rear of note / Look / Denomination Numerals
Rear of note / Feel / Paper Quality Rear of note / Feel / Paper Quality
Rear of note / Feel / Raised Print Rear of note / Feel / Raised Print
Rear of note / Check / UV Fluorescence Rear of note / Check / UV Fluorescence
Clydesdale Bank £100 note
World Heritage Series
Size: 163mm x 90mm
Colour: Red
Design Features: (click to highlight an area of interest)
  • Vignette depicting standing stones
  • Aerial view of a Neolithic settlement
  • Ring of Brodgar (ring of stones)
  • Commemorative text reading "Heart of Neolithic Orkney - Scottish World Heritage Site inscribed 1999"
  • Image of a Thistle within a patterned circular band
  • Map of Scotland indicating the location of The Heart of Neolithic Orkney
  • Clydesdale Bank name and logo and text "Heart of Neolithic Orkney"
Clydesdale Bank £100 note
World Heritage Series
Size: 163mm x 90mm
Colour: Red
Design Features: (click to highlight an area of interest)
  • Portrait of Charles Rennie Mackintosh together with the years of his birth and death
  • A series of tartan patterns to the left of the portrait
  • Text reading "The Glasgow School of Art 167" on a black perforated address plate
  • A Rennie Mackintosh original door-light design
  • Depictions of the front of The Glasgow School of Art
  • Ten horizontal bars on each side of the note, the ones on the left shorter than those on the right
  • Depth image hologram of Charles Rennie Mackintosh
  • Clydesdale Bank name and logo
Look: Print Quality
Lines should be sharp and well defined with no blurred edges. Colours should be clear and distinct. Print Quality
Look: Watermark
Hold the note up to the light. You should see a multi-tonal WATERMARK image of Charles Rennie Mackintosh accompanied by bright images of the numerical value of the note alongside a depiction of two roses in a Rennie Mackintosh design style. The watermark feature is visible from both the front and back of the note. Watermark Watermark
Look: Security Thread
The note has a metallic SECURITY THREAD which is visible as silver dashes when the note is laid flat. If you hold the note up to the light you should see the thread is continuous in the paper and it contains both a tartan pattern and the numerical value of the note. Security Thread Security Thread
Look: See Through
Looking at the front of the note, hold it up to the light and with the SEE THROUGH effect you should see coloured irregular shapes that, when combined, form the Clydesdale Bank logo. See Through See Through
Look: Microprint
When the front of the note is examined closely with a good quality magnifying glass, you will see that the vertical line just to the left of the portrait reads 'CLYDESDALE BANK PLC'. You will also see the number '100' written repeatedly in small letters in part of the patterned area to the middle left of the portrait. Microprint Microprint
Look: Serial Numbers
Each note has a unique SERIAL NUMBER which is printed twice on the front of the note, horizontally on the lower left and vertically on the upper right of the front of the note. Serial numbers consist of one letter over two letters followed by six numbers. The vertical numbers are all the same size while the horizontal numbers increase in size from left to right. Serial Numbers
Look: Denomination Numerals
On the front of the note, the number '100' accompanied by a '£' sign appears horizontally near the top and bottom right corners and vertically in the bottom left corner. A large number '100' also appears just to the left of the portrait. Denomination Numerals
Feel: Paper Quality
The paper should feel crisp - not limp, waxy or shiny. Paper Quality
Feel: Raised Print
On the Front of the note you will feel RAISED PRINT if you run your fingers along:
  • The numerical values at the top right and bottom left of the note;
  • The Vertical bank name and logo;
  • The bank name and the words ‘One Hundred Pounds Sterling’
  • The horizontal bars at each side of the note
Raised Print
Tilt: Hologram
There is a DEPTH IMAGE HOLOGRAM on the front right of the note. When the note is viewed straight on, a portrait image of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a red number '100' and a blue flower are all visible. Tilt the note upwards and the number '100' is highlighted - tilt it downwards and the flower is highlighted. In the background of the portrait are images of a Rennie Mackintosh design that move when the note is tilted left to right. Hologram Hologram
Tilt: Lift Classic
If you tilt the front of the note away from you at an oblique angle and look along its breadth, the number '100' can be seen in the middle left of the panel containing the portrait. Lift Classic
Check: UV Fluorescence
If you place the note under a good quality ULTRA-VIOLET light, you will see highlighted on the front of the note, the large Clydesdale Bank logo, the vertical serial number and two five line bar codes - one vertical and one horizontal. UV Fluorescence UV Fluorescence
Check: Compare
Always compare both sides of a suspect note with another note that you know to be genuine, looking for differences between the two. Make sure you check the size of a suspect note against a known genuine note. Compare Compare
Check: Compare
Always compare both sides of a suspect note with another note that you know to be genuine, looking for differences between the two. Make sure you check the size of a suspect note against a known genuine note. Compare Compare
Look: Microprint
When the BACK of the note is examined closely with a good quality magnifying glass you will see 'CLYDESDALE BANK PLC' repeated in the line just above the pattern area on the top left. You will also see the number '100' and 'CB' written repeatedly in small letters throughout the patterned area. Cornerstone Cornerstone
Look: Print Quality
Lines should be sharp and well defined with no blurred edges. Colours should be clear and distinct. Print Quality
Look: Watermark
Hold the note up to the light. You should see a multi-tonal WATERMARK image of Charles Rennie Mackintosh accompanied by bright images of the numerical value of the note and a depiction of two roses in a Rennie Mackintosh design style. The watermark feature is visible from both the front and back of the note. Watermark Watermark
Look: Denomination Numerals
On the back of the note, the denomination numeral accompanied by a '£' sign appears horizontally near the top right and bottom left corners. Denomination Numerals
Feel: Paper Quality
The paper should feel crisp - not limp, waxy or shiny. Paper Quality
Feel: Raised Print
If you run your finger along the Clydesdale Bank title, the numerical values top right and bottom left the vertical bank name and the words 'One Hundred Pounds Sterling' you will feel raised print. Raised Print
Check: UV Fluorescence
The ULTRA-VIOLET feature is also evident on the back of the note as highlighted areas. UV Fluorescence UV Fluorescence